Terms of Use
Use of our website
New Zealand Manuka Group makes this website (www.nzmanukagroup.com) including all information, files, text and graphics, available for your use subject to the terms and conditions in this document. Please be aware the content may change without notice by way of a new version of any page being posted to this website.
Copyright, trademark and other intellectual property is protected by the relevant laws (Copyright Act 1994, Copyright Regulations 1995, TRIPS Agreement, Trade Marks Act 2002, Trade Marks Regulations 2003, etc). Any unauthorized use of the Materials may violate such laws and the Terms of Use.
This website may not be modified or altered in any way.
You may not remove any copyright to any Materials contained within this website.
New Zealand Manuka Group reserves the right to revoke the authorization to view, download and print this website at any time, and such use shall be discontinued immediately upon notice.
The information in this website is general in nature only. Although the best efforts are made to ensure information is accurate, no liability is accepted for any loss of any kind that may arise from actions based on the contents of this website.

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